WV PSC Fuel Surcharge Increased Slightly to 10.51% 1/1/23

Posted January 18th, 2023

The West Virginia Public Service Commission has reviewed the motor carrier fuel surcharge rates for Case No MC GO 56.4, also referenced as MC FS 2023A.  The fuel surcharge has increased slightly to 10.51% from the previous 10.25%.  This motor carrier fuel surcharge is in effect until June 30, 2023 or until further Commission Order.
For further information regarding this WV PSC fuel surcharge order, visit http://www.psc.state.wv.us/

For Email Only Customers: Notice of Case CPI Envirco 22A for 1/1/2023

Posted November 30th, 2022

For Envirco Inc. customers who have their account(s) set to EMAIL ONLY, there is a Notice to Envirco Inc Customers of Rate Increase dated November 28, 2022.  This Notice can be provided individually upon request either via USPS mailing or email.  The Notice was mailed to all accounts (except the accounts set to Email Only), including those accounts with a credit balance or a balance less than $2.00, on Monday, November 28, 2022.  The West Virginia Public Service Commission (WV PSC) Case number is CPI Envirco 22A.  This filing is in reference to MC GO No 64.5 and GO No 183.12.  These filings can also be found on the WV PSC website http://www.psc.state.wv.us/.

All Envirco Inc. rates will be increasing by 5.344% beginning January 1, 2023.

2022 Annual Residential Letter Now Available!

Posted October 3rd, 2022

The 2022 Annual Residential Letter was included with billings mailed on 9/29/2022.  A printable PDF copy is always available via our website for those customers who have email only billing and/or for simple viewing and future reference.

Happy Fall ya’all!

WV PSC Fuel Surcharge Increases to 10.25%

Posted April 1st, 2022

The West Virginia Public Service Commission has reviewed the motor carrier fuel surcharge rates for Case No MC GO 56.4, also referenced as MC FS 2022C.  The fuel surcharge has increased to 10.25% from the previous 9.61%.  This motor carrier fuel surcharge is in effect until December 31, 2022 or until further Commission Order.
For further information regarding this WV PSC fuel surcharge order, visit http://www.psc.state.wv.us/

Mathias Recycling Location to Remain at the Mathias Fire Hall

Posted January 10th, 2022

Please be aware the recycling location on the second Saturday of each month in Mathias will remain at the location of the Mathias Fire Hall.  If there is ever a future conflict, the secondary location will be the Mathias Community Center location.  Thanks for your understanding and cooperation!